Short hikes in and around Lake Placid

A trip to the Adirondacks isn't complete without experiencing one of our hiking trails. They're accessible year round, and there are hundreds of miles of paths to explore. Some people flock here for the big mountains, but even the easy hikes near Lake Placid are a great place to start, especially if you're new to hiking.

Short, sweet, and what a view!

Many of our short hikes offer up a great outdoor experience that's complete with a beautiful view. There are a variety of walking and easy hiking options for you and your entire family (including your pet!) to enjoy in the Lake Placid Region — find your favorite and make some great memories! Some of our trails don't have that classic panoramic mountain view, and that's okay! A lot of our hikes offer towering evergreen trees, the chance for unique wildlife encounters, and even historic significance. If the list of hiking trails below proves to be too much to choose from, this writeup of short hikes with big views in the Lake Placid area may help you make up your mind.

If you're looking for hikes and mountains that are a little more challenging, check out some of the 2 to 4 hour hikes that the Adirondacks are known for. Before these hikes, make sure you have some of the below hikes under your belt!

Leave No Trace

The magic of the Adirondacks is the result of previous generations taking a long view and protecting the mountains, lakes, and rivers within the Blue Line. That tradition continues today as we support and encourage everyone to practice Leave No Trace principles, which help protect the lands and waters of the Adirondacks. One of the most important parts of Leave No Trace is being prepared with the right gear and knowledge before you go. Familiarize yourself with the local regulations and weather, and take a look at the NYSDEC's resources for outdoor recreation.


Results for "1 - 2 Hour Hikes"

John Brown Farm State Historic Site
115 John Brown Road, Lake Placid
(518) 523-3900

Hiking John Brown Farm in the town of North Elba is the home and gravesite of abolitionist John Brown. John Brown died in the pursuit of freedom of slaves, and after an assault on Harpers Ferry to obtain arms in 1859 he was hanged in Virginia. His...

Little Cherrypatch Pond
State Route 86Lake Placid, Lake Placid
(518) 523-2445

Hiking Route Overview At the back of the parking area there is a herd path that leads to the shore of the pond. The path is easy enough to follow but not marked. There is minimal elevation change as you hike the roughly quarter mile. Trailhead From...

Rocky Falls
Heart Lake, Lake Placid
(518) 523-2445

This is a gentle walk to a lovely, miniature waterfall. This hike's charm is the easy route and the lovely setting. 

Mt. Jo
Adirondak Loj Rd, Lake Placid
(518) 523-3441 ext.121

A great mountain for families and beginners, Mt. Jo's open summit ledges provide one of the best views of the High Peaks for relatively little effort.

South Meadow
Meadow Lane, Lake Placid
(518) 523-2445

You may think of South Meadow is simply as a place to park your car when hiking into the High Peaks Region, but it’s so much more than that.

Cobble Hill
Mirror Lake Drive, Lake Placid
(518) 523-2445

Cobble Hill is right on the shore of Mirror Lake and it's easy to spot thanks to the bald cobble on its face. This is a great hike for beginners.

Connery Pond
State Route 86Lake Placid, Lake Placid
(518) 523-2445

A portage trail leads to the shore of the pond, where there is an amazing vista across the water that includes Whiteface Mountain.

Henry's Woods
Bear Cub Lane, Lake Placid
(518) 523-3061

Henry’s Woods, which is owned and maintained by the Uihlein Foundation, is a community preserve located just outside the village of Lake Placid. The caretakers of this beautiful property and the Uihlein Foundation invite the public to use these trails.

Owen, Copperas, and Winch Ponds
Route 86, Wilmington
(518) 523-2445

These three ponds are located in the Sentinel Range and offer excellent loop opportunities. There are two trails that lead into the area and either can be used to create a loop to the three ponds.

Stag Brook Falls
5021 New York 86, Wilmington
(518) 946-2255

Stag Brook Falls is an excellent hike along a brook with numerous waterfalls and cascades. Picnic benches, nature signs, and swimming are available along the way. 

Big Crow
Route 73, Keene
(518) 523-2445

While steep in spots, this short hike from Crow Clearing to the summit of Big Crow offers one of the Adirondacks' best "small" mountain views.

Roaring Brook Falls
Route 73, Keene Valley
(518) 523-2445

Roaring Brook Falls is visible from the road at a pull off, but now you can see it up close via a short hiking trail.