Adirondack Whitewater Kayaking

With mountains surrounding the entirety of Lake Placid, streams and rivers are constantly being fed water from higher elevations, making for magnificently powerful whitewater runs ranging all classes (I to VI) in and around the town. This activity is only for those with experience, and further research should be done if you're planning on putting in at any of these sections of running water. Here are some stretches of water at various classes within a short drive of Lake Placid! 

Franklin Falls Flow is a dammed portion of the Saranac River, and paddling the lake-like waters before the dam is a fantastic outing by itself, being a popular spot amongst locals. If you're looking to combine the gently flowing portion of Franklin Falls Flow with a more challenging endeavor, a whitewater section called the Permanent Rapids upstream from Franklin Falls is a class II-III option. Earlier in the season it is more class III, but during the summer the rapids transitions closer to class II. 

A stretch of whitewater right in town runs from the last bridge on Adirondack Loj Road to the base of the Olympic Ski Jumping Complex. This class III section, not for beginner kayakers, runs for 6.5 miles and ends in a stunning head-on view of the towering ski jumps.

Only for experienced whitewater paddlers, a varying stretch of water runs from the bottom of Monument Falls to before the start of High Falls Gorge. This section starts with a couple miles of class III or easier rapids, then approaches Wilmington Notch where it turns into a class V+ rapid. After this, the river mellows to below class III, and you'll take out when you see the footbridge over the river. 

Whitewater kayaking can be intimidating, both in planning and executing a trip! Consider hiring a guide to go whitewater rafting for some experience on the higher classes of rapids, learning from the best of the best in our region. 

Results for "Adirondack Whitewater Kayaking"

Ausable - West - ADK Loj to Rt 73
Heart Lake, Lake Placid
(518) 523-2445

This has stunning High Peaks scenery without being too far out of town.

Ausable - West - Monument to High Falls
Route 86, Lake Placid
(518) 523-2445

This stretch has many drops... even a near vertical!

Ausable - East - Hulls Falls to Keene
State Highway 9N, Keene
(518) 523-2445

The famous Hulls Falls bridge offers a "sneak peek" at the ride below.

Boquet River - Northway to Boquet
Route 22, Essex
(518) 523-2445

The Northway to Boquet section of the Boquet River sweeps under quaint bridges and features beautiful farmland views with distant mountains as a backdrop. This section is 16.6 miles long and classified as Class II-IV. Put in location: Latitude: 44.248...

Boquet River - Beaver Meadow Brook
Route 9, Elizabethtown
(518) 523-2445

The Beaver Meadow Brook to the Northway is a section of the Boquet River that offers an intriguing mix of easy and slightly challenging sections through some delightful scenery. Remember, this is another one of our north-flowing rivers. This section...

A whitewater kayaker negotiating rapids
Ausable - West - Wilmington to Ausable Forks
Route 86, Au Sable Forks
(518) 523-2445

This is a long, fun, ride through scenery which has inspired artists all over the area.

Ausable - East - Keene to Upper Jay
Rt 86, Keene
(518) 523-2445

This stretch of river has become famous not only for its rapids, but also for the historic covered bridge which spans the river.

Whitewater Challengers
4511 State Rte 28, North Creek
(518) 251-3746

Hudson River Individual Rafting Rates Minimum group size is two $110 per adult $99 per youth (13-18) $80 per child (7-12) (Subject to $2-per-person insurance fee.) Hudson River Private Rafting Rates $550 for a private raft with 3 or 4 passengers, and...

Adirondac Rafting Company - Whitewater Adventures
6440 NY 30, Indian Lake
(518) 523-1635
Rafting at Ausable Chasm
2144 US 9N, Au Sable Chasm
(518) 834-7454
Adventure Sports Rafting Company
6127 NY-28, Indian Lake
(518) 648-5812
North Creek Rafting Company
9 Ordway Lane, North Creek
(800) 989-7238