Locally-owned, locally-supported

In Lake Placid you're invited to "Invent Your Own Perfect Day." For some, that perfect day will involve kicking back with a good book or heading out on the trails while listening to new music! Stop by Lake Placid's bookstores and music shops to pick up a best-seller or a hard-to-find book, grab some good background music, then head back to your newly discovered favorite spot (or find a comfy chair at one of Lake Placid's hotels), and get lost in the adventure. You can find new and vintage vinyl, graphic novels and comic books, and so much more!

More than just paperbacks!

Lake Placid's bookstores and music shops offer great selections beyond the basics. Whether you're a local or just staying locally, we can cover your needs. From office supplies and art materials to maps, greeting cards and more, our personable shopkeepers will help you find exactly what you're looking for.

Results for "Lake Placid's Bookstores & Music Stores"

Zack Nation - A Pop Culture Odyssey
2513 Main Street, Lake Placid
(561) 568-2018
The Bookstore Plus
2491 Main Street, Lake Placid
(518) 523-2950
The Mountaineer
1866 Route 73, Keene Valley
(518) 576-2281