Lake Placid is brimming with people eager to swim, bike and run through the Adirondacks. If you have never witnessed an Ironman, Lake Placid has plenty of places for spectators to witness all the action on Sunday, July 22.

The second oldest Ironman in North America, the area topography provides a unique course with the transition and finish line located on the Olympic Speed Skating Oval.
The 13 different age categories range from 18 to 80+ with three categories, Professional, Age Group and Physically Challenged and only 50 qualifying Age Group slots to the 2012 Ironman World Championship
The swim course of the Lake Placid ironman is unusual in that Mirror Lake is located in the center of town with a expansive spectator area to watch the 2,600 participants competing for the title. Each participant has to make two laps around the buoys with a brief beach run before starting the second lap.
The 112-mile (2 loop) bike course races through the towns of Lake Placid, Keene, Upper Jay, Jay and Wilmington. This bike race is not for the fair of heart. The starting elevation for these triathletes is 1,781' with a maximum elevation of 2,215'. The complete elevation gain for the course is 9,386'.
For spectators the running section of the Lake Placid Ironman makes any wait worth while. The 26.2-mile (2 loop) course runs right along Mirror Lake past the Lake Placid Horse Show Grounds and Olympic Ski Jumps.
Street vendors will be set up and businesses open, providing food and drink for those not partaking in the triathlon. The atmosphere is upbeat as people cheer for strangers and friends alike.
All map images are used with permission of Ironman Lake Placid. The blog post author Diane Chase is the author of the Adirondack Family Activities™ guidebook series, Adirondack Family Time™ and co-owner of the young adult backcountry wilderness adventure program, Adirondack Outdoor Expeditions.