As with most rural communities, in the Adirondacks our local firefighters and EMS volunteers are the heroes of our area. Responding to their neighbors in times of crisis is what they do, and they do it well and with courage dozens of times each year. Add to that the training and extra activities they participate in, and our Volunteer Fire Department members really go the extra mile to keep us safe.
So on Sunday, August 2, I was happy to attend the Keene Valley Fire Department Field Day. It's held on the first Sunday of August each year as an open-house for the community - as well as a fundraiser/membership drive to encourage others to join. In addition, it gives the entire community a chance to celebrate their fire department with an exciting, fun-filled afternoon! Because I’m new to Keene, having only moved here about a month ago, I am always excited to go to community events, because it helps me learn about the people and community I now call home. The Keene Valley Fire Department Field Day did not disappoint!
The start of a good day
The outdoor activities were scheduled to start at 3:00 pm, and when we arrived at around 3:45 pm, things were really getting rolling. People continued to pour in, and after a short while, the lawns were packed! To one side of the firehouse there were games for kids and other activities that were aimed at teaching them fire safety and educating them about the fire department, what the volunteers do and how they do it. Separate stations were set up where kids could try on a firefighter’s uniform or practice putting out a controlled fire using a fire hose! A junior firefighter manned a station teaching kids to use an Indian can - a small, pressurized can of water - for firefighting. Another station for the kids was a bouncy house, which kept the six-and-under set busy all afternoon long.

Activities for kids and adults
Most exciting for kids of all ages was getting to see a fire engine up close and personal when the firefighters took the trucks out of the station. The kids couldn’t wait to climb up to experience standing on the truck, and beaming faces showed how much they enjoyed it.
There was plenty going on for the adults, as well. In one fire truck bay, some of the EMS volunteers were on hand to check the blood pressure of anyone interested in having that done. In the other bay, a Chinese auction with more than 130 prizes kept the traffic moving through the station. It featured different prizes varying from gift certificates to neighboring restaurants and stores to items donated by local shops or from our neighbors’ attics. There was also a raffle with prizes including cash and an awesome, one-of-a-kind handmade checkers table that my grandpa would have loved! I put a ton of tickets in to win this really cool, handmade maple wood bowl (for me) and a huge bottle of fresh maple syrup (for my boyfriend), but it wasn’t my lucky day. All winners were excited with their prizes, though, and will surely enjoy them. I didn’t leave empty-handed, however, because I made sure to purchase my Keene Valley Fire Department t-shirt to support the department!

Competition begins
A band playing oldies music set the background music, and I had a great time watching the horseshoe tournament on one of the firehouse lawns. All the participants were having fun, but they took the competition pretty seriously. Twelve teams competed, with the winners counting their cash prizes on their way out!

The activities at a field day are one thing, but I know I was looking forward to the food! The chicken dinner ($12 per person/adult) was fantastic, cooked by some of our firefighters over a 20-foot long coal fire pit. More than 500 pieces of chicken went quick, and it was delicious. Of course, salads were plentiful, as well as typical picnic fare: beans, rolls and dessert. I couldn’t pass up the brownie with chocolate ice cream – boy, was I stuffed!
By the time they got to pulling the winning tickets for the auction, it was after 8:00 pm, it was getting buggy and I was getting tired (I’m still not used to the bugs up here – the mosquitoes LOVE me! I'll have to remember to hit one of our great shops and pick up some made-in-the-Adirondacks bug spray!). There were so many prizes, they were still calling the winners when we left at 9:30 pm! Everyone seemed to have a great time, while supporting a worthy cause at the same time.
This type of event is pretty typical in the small communities in the Adirondacks, and they welcome visitors and neighbors alike. Whether you’re here visiting, or a year round resident, you can click on our website to find events like this, happening each summer weekend. You’ll be glad you did!