Written for LakePlacid.com by guest blogger Grace Ericson.

The Adirondack Family Book Festival

There is no better place to cozy up with a book than here in the Adirondacks. Whether sitting by the lakes and rivers and hearing the birds chirp and the water trickle, or relaxing by a bonfire in an Adirondack chair after a long day of activities. If you love reading, just know the Adirondacks do too, from the locally-owned Bookstore Plus to the gorgeous waterfront public library, to the upcoming Adirondack Family Book Festival on August 17th. 

Since I was young, I have loved reading books by Kate Messner, an award winning and best selling author. She, among many other authors and illustrators, will have signed books and be present at the festival. Being able to walk right up to a table and speak to one of your favorite authors is really a once in a lifetime experience. You can take time to browse, discuss, and hear stories about how the books were written. I love to also hear about the illustrations and how the authors found and selected these. 

A woman sits under a tree eating snacks with her young kids.

This year I will take my friend Juliet, my boyfriend's little sister who is in fourth grade. I can’t wait to share this experience with her. Sure, you can buy a book online, but let me set the scene of the Book Festival for you; walking up to the large white tent filled with books you can pick up, look at, and know you love. The author is there and they love to discuss the reasons behind their stories and all the fun or challenges they had along the way. You can have them sign their books directly to someone for a gift, or to you for your collection. Juliet is a bit of an artist, so I am sure she will love learning about all the illustrations and how they came about. I know the illustrators love to take you through the process of how they chose the colors and their characters. Imagine seeing a character come to life right before your eyes. The kids' eyes literally light up! 

A young boy reads a book on the grass.

The Adirondack Family Book Festival is more than a place to buy a book, it is a day of history, fantasy, and a shared passion for reading. This event is perfect for kids of all ages, with activities like create your character workshop, a read-aloud story time, arts and crafts, and more all in an outdoor setting. There are some things you cannot buy online. 

The gorgeous John Brown Farm

Can you imagine a more beautiful place for a festival of any kind than John Brown Farm? I cannot. This historic site is situated at the base of The Olympic Ski Jumps, and is surrounded by the Adirondack Mountains. John Brown Farm is the home and grave site of abolitionist John Brown. While you are here for the festival, you can visit the homesite, furnishings, and the grave for free. Wide open spaces allow for the kids visiting to run free and explore, picnic tables are set up, so pack a lunch and enjoy the entire property. There is currently a statue of Harriet Tubman that is a traveling statue and in Lake Placid until October. The 13 foot statue called “The Beacon of Hope,” has been hosted by towns and cities across the country in hopes of inspiring those who visit.

A group of people cut the ribbon on a new Harriet Tubman statue at John Brown Farm.

It is also very important to mention that The Adirondack Family Book Festival is a product of John Brown Lives! “JBL! Is a freedom education and human rights project that brings communities together using history, education, advocacy, and the arts to address critical issues of our time.”- Adirondack Family Book Festival site.

The interior of an 1800's kitchen at John Brown Farm.

Award winning

It is not just the authors and illustrators who are winning awards, the festival itself was recently recognized for an award of distinction in New York State, for an engaging community-building event by the Museum Association of New York (MANY). 

A wild flower field.

Books should be fun! 

Now that I am a college student, reading can seem to be more of a chore sometimes than relaxing and fun. This event brings back the enjoyment of reading and there is no better place to do this than under the beautiful ski jumps with the mountains in the background. I hope to see you at this year's Adirondack Family Book Festival, I will be buying Christmas presents for all the kids that I babysit!  

See you there!